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There’s Just One Other Thing….

The Apple Townhall is known for many things. Promoting their products (as I said on Tuesday) selling their corporate culture, and one particular phrase. It started with Steve Jobs; he would often save the best part of his presentation for last. Quite famously when the iPod was introduced, Steve Jobs had finished his presentation, said all of what he was going to say and looked like he was wrapping up the presentation. He then looked at the crowd assembled and said;

“Oh, just one other thing….” and then the iPod was born.

The Selling culture of Apple has always been one of its cornerstones. They don’t just sell their products, they believe. I have always been impressed with how they phrase their products when they talk about them. It’s not “a new iPhone” it’s “an incredible innovation.” Apple’s way of selling products has always been impressive. Not just because they believe that they’re products fantastic, but because their beliefs are backed up by fantastic products. There are three aspects of their culture that flowed through their entire presentation.

1) The Environmental side – They made a significant point during the keynote about talking about their environmental culture. What was cool, and I knew this before, was knowing that Apple’s headquarters run on 100% renewable energy. What I didn’t realize was that all of their support facilities (including the places where they store all their information) were also run on renewable energy as well. The other thing that was announced as they are planning on making it so that they can get to the point that every new iPhone will be made without having to mine any more materials from the ground. If they can do this, and I quite frankly have no doubt that they will get there, that will be a remarkable innovation.

2) The Battery Life – With each of the phones and with the watch they made a specific note of mentioning how the battery life was longer than the previous model, or last year’s models. I think that the reason for this is because of the iPhone 6 Battery drain issues that occurred over the past couple of years. Given how bad the battery issues were, you can understand why they would want to emphasize the longevity of their battery life.

3) Privacy – This is another one that they emphasized on. Between the Equifax Facebook and Uber privacy, scandals over the past year you can forgive Apple for emphasizing the fact that Apple user’s data belongs to them and them alone. It’s something that needed to be stressed in this day and age where information is the new currency, and people’s data is the property that is being stolen. The fact that Apple has unequivocally stated that your data is your own is a tremendous promise. It’s a promise that all the user’s data will not be shared. I find myself hoping that this is true.

I usually find myself amazed at how much the advancement of technology at the Apple Townhall is, but this time is a little different. Sure I was still surprised at the stuff that they are coming out with, but I was also impressed with how much of their cool culture they demonstrated. I like a corporate culture that is striving for better and more. With their environmental policies and their insistence on how Privacy is paramount, It’s something that impressed me.

Do you like Apple’s Culture? 

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