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How to delete your email History

People change e-mail addresses. Changing email is something that happens to a lot of people. The circumstances could be different. There could be a bunch of various reasons for that; people could change jobs; they could just be bored with their old e-mails. It doesn’t matter the reason that they change, what matters is that you make sure that you change the history in your e-mail client. Typically when you enter an e-mail more than once, your e-mail will be able to remember it and auto-complete (or fill in the rest of your e-mail before you type all of it) the e-mail. To make sure that when someone you know changes their e-mail address, you don’t accidentally get autocompleted to the old e-mail there are a couple of things you need to do.

1. Change e-mail in contact – Changing the person’s e-mail in their contact info will always help make the transition. Most e-mail clients will default to whatever e-mail is in your contact list. When you enter the name, the email program will search for whatever email is in the contact matching the name. This means that when you have a contact that changes their e-mail if you change the contact’s e-mail it will make it so much easier to make that transition.

2. Delete History – The auto-complete function in most e-mail clients can help you with more than just the contacts in your address book. If there is an e-mail address that you write emails to regularly, then the autocomplete function will remember it just as well as it will recognise the e-mails in your contact list. To, make sure that these e-mails don’t show up in your autocomplete (or rather don’t continue to show up) what you need to do is delete your e-mail client’s history. It’s a straightforward process. Most autocomplete functions when you type in the start of the email address.

And really….That’s it! The important thing to remember is that not all functions that you need to do to maintain your system are not all complicated and difficult. The thing about deleting your e-mail history is that it’s not something that you have to do every day, just whenever it is needed.

Have you ever had e-mails in your autocomplete that you didn’t want there?

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