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Batmobile’s are my hobby…and I got to build one!!!

Well sort of….

Ok, So here’s the deal. I know that you are all used to posting on Tuesdays at this point, but I decided to delay it for a couple of reasons. The first being that today is my birthday, and I feel like I should be able to talk about whatever I want on my birthday. This brings me to the second reason that I moved this week’s post by a day. The other thing that I’m wildly passionate about in my life is the Batmobile. Yup, the car that the Caped Crusader rolls up to a crime scene in has fascinated me since I was a kid. I know that it may seem silly to (still) be obsessed with such things, but I don’t care. I’m a massive geek anyway; I might as well own it, right? I have been collecting Batmobile’s for about ten years now, and I will admit that my collection of all manner of Batmobiles has become one of my favourite hobbies. One of my favourite of the Batmobiles is the Michal Keaton one from 1989 and 1991’s Batman movies. Seen here;

Looking totally bad ass just strolling through the streets of Gotham

One of the things that my incredible wife has done is to indulge me in this particular hobby of mine. Not only has she pointed out different Batmobiles that I could go and get, but She has also gone out herself and purchased them for me. One of these occasions happened over Christmas. The Present she got me was the new Lego 1989 Batmobile! I have to admit the Michael Keaton Batmobile is my favourite. Partially because it was the first one that I saw on the big screen, and Partially because I think it looks so darn cool. While I still am psyched any time I get to see the Batmobile in action, I believe that I liked the Michael Keaton one the best because it still looks like a car.

1) Which one I like the best – There have been many different batmobile’s over the decades. From the one Adam West drove in the 1960’s TV show to, frankly, any of the ones you will see in the comics, there has been every iteration of a car for the Dark Knight that you could imagine. What I like is that the idea for the car started in May of 1939 when I would assume that Bob Kane and Bill Finger (the Creators of Batman) figured that the Caped Crusader would have to get around Gotham somehow, and as he can’t fly….he’d need a car. Hilariously, the very first Batmobile was just Bruce Wayne’s red sports car. My thoughts as to why they changed it and made it more “bat” may have something to do with the DC people assuming that they could only get away with the “superhero and alter-ego being close enough” thing with Clark Kent. Could you imagine if Bruce was going around in his car and the Joker spotted him and figured it out? It, like Bruce Wayne himself, would need a better disguise.

2) Why I like the Michael Keaton Batmobile – One of the things that I’ve always really liked about the Batmobile is the fact that it’s a car. Yes, it’s been augmented with bulletproof everything, grenade launchers, Machine guns and the ever-popular side cables with grapple hooks (for those tight corners), but it still looked somewhat like a car. If you look at the Tumbler from the Dark Night Movie series with Christian Bale as Batman, or if you Look at the car that Ben Affleck was behind the wheel of, they look more like Bat-tanks than Batmobiles. In my mind, the Batmobile should look imposing without being overbearing. Michael Keaton’s car at least looked like an actual car. The one feature that I did like that they brought into both of his films was, in my opinion, one of the cooler features was the “Shields” that were deployed. It sounds silly being impressed be something that is only used once or twice, but it looks so cool when they’re deployed.

if only every car had this level of Security…..

3) Building the thing was so much fun! – There is something you need to understand here. I’ve been building legos ever since I was a kid. Do you know Bennie’s spaceship from the Lego Movie? Yeah, I remember having a set like that when I was a kid. I want you to now imagine Bennie screaming, “Gonna build a….I get to build a…..GONNA BUILD A SPACESHIP!!!” but it was actually me screaming, “Gonna build a…..I get to build a…..GONNA BUILD A BATMOBILE!!!!!” I was totally psyched! It got to the point that I was taking pictures of the phases of construction and texting a (very understanding) buddy of mine with “HEY!!! I COMPLETED BAG 7!!!!!” While you typically can’t read a tone of voice in a text, even I could tell he was getting bored when he would start texting back things like “Yeah…..that’s….That’s great…..”It didn’t matter to me; I was having way too much fun. It took me about one day (and three evenings after work) to get the whole thing done, but once it was done, I was able to add it to my overall collection of Batmobiles. The lego version of the 1989 batmobile was an amazing addition!

looks good with the Bat-Symbol next to it!

Everyone needs a hobby. We all need to do something that they do, which is entirely outside of their work sphere, which takes them out of what they do for a living. I know some people enjoy music; some like to read, some build things. I collect Batmobiles. I like that there are different types, and they come in a variety of different sizes. Currently, I have about 34 Batmobiles of varying sizes in my collection. Thank you so much for indulging my hobby or obsession, depending on who you ask…

Do you like Batmobiles?

Let me know in the comments section below. If you like this blog post and want to see more, you can follow me on Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @jasonlovefiles) or Subscribe to my blog to get new content delivered directly to your mailbox.


  1. Sylvia

    Happy Birthday J! Thanks for the Batmobile walk down memory lane. Christian Bale is still the best Batman!

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