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Apple’s Policy of Syncing devices is a breath of Tech Fresh Air

Apple has announced that they will be making so that any apps that you find on the App Store will be available on your phone, iPad and computer. While that may seem like a small thing, but in reality, it’s enormous. Here’s the thing, one of the things that you want to be able to have when you’re working with apps is the same interface across all of your devices. Startlingly this was not a common thing.

1) It’s good to have one app across all devices – As I understand it, there is a difference in how the app would work based on the screen and how you would use it, which means that there would be more programming work in the background, so some app developers used not to bother. Their lack of trying would suggest that you would be able to get an app on your phone, but you wouldn’t be able to get them on your iPad or computer. For games and stuff, that isn’t too big of a deal, but for people who use their apps to make their lives more efficient, it was a monumental pain. Now that you will be able to get apps as standard across all of your devices you will be able to work more efficiently, no matter what device you’re using.

2) More emphasis on Cloud Technology – Because you will be able to get access to your apps across all of your devices it will mean that you will have to work more with Cloud technology. I’ve gone through the aspects of cloud technology before, and I have to say that I like it. It only makes sense to me that in a world where the internet is nearly everywhere we should have access to everything that we need. Think about it. If ever you break a device (like dropping a phone or spilling something on your computer) and you had all of your data on that device, it would be lost. The same thing applies to apps. If. You like using an app on one machine the logic (certainly for me) holds that you would want to be able to use it on all your devices. To be able to do this, the best way to do it is to have all of your apps working with cloud technology, but for that to work right, you need to be able to have the same app working on all devices.

3) Easier to find apps that you will use – I can’t tell you how many hours I look for apps that I can use on all my devices. Typically it’s an app that I can use to make my life easier, like a to-do list app or a writing app, or even a game of some variety. Now that Apple will be making it so that all apps need to be available on all devices my search will be much simpler.

This policy will make it now so that when people want to look for apps, they will be able to find something that they can use on all of their devices. The point that I’m drawing from this is that because it will no longer matter which electronic device you are using a program on it will mean that the program has to work on all devices flawlessly. What I like about this is that it will mean that the applications (and the programmers) will have to make sure that they are offering the best quality product, not just the best product for a particular device. This will also make it so that you can use a program you like on any device. I’m a big fan of making sure that you can pass information seamlessly between devices, so this syncing policy will make sure that that happens.

Do you like using the same program on all your devices?

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