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5 ways that the CBC VR app is a game changer

Evidently, this is a week of follow-ups….
Anyway, I posted just before the Olympics started about the CBC’s VR app which was supposed to help you “experience the Olympics” in a whole new way. I am thrilled to report back that the app is in actuality a really cool way of watching the various events. The way that it works (as you can see from the image at the top is that you get a “view from the stands” in which you can look back and forth to see what’s going on (yes, I tested this on Curling…I’m Canadian, and there was no Hockey on at the time) but it also gives you a square which shows you the traditional broadcast view that you would be able to see on TV. This has the potential to be a complete game changer for a multitude of different reasons;
1) It can be used for other sporting events – Who’s in for watching the FIFA world cup? can’t afford to go? This technology now has the ability to make it so that you can get a middle pitch, halfway decent seat so you can catch the game….just avoid using the vuvuzelas in your house or apartment…They could get rather noisy
2) It can be used for other types events – As opposed to having to travel long distances to get to the rock concert or standing in line just to get into the play, just buy a VR ticket and you will be able to watch it in the comfort of your own home where no one will step on your toes, spill their beer on you accidentally, and you won’t have to line up to go to the bathroom (This assumes of course that no one you live with is in there already).
3) Will change the view of an “audience” – with this as a tool for presentations we will have to have a serious look at how presenters (not just musicians) will have to work with audiences. with tools like Zoom and Skype for Business, even simple presentations within offices can be made more available and people are currently able to meet and make presentations with each other on a much more fluid and easier basis. a person’s “audience” doesn’t need to be assembled in one place for them to be in attendance at an event or presentation. This also leads to the next point which is that…
4) It doesn’t have to be live – The way that this technology works is that it records and transmits on a multi-camera device which makes it so that the change of view from left to right is seamlessly recorded and then transmitted, but what if it wasn’t transmitted right away? What would happen if you could record and send later so that people could enjoy whatever it is you’re presenting at a later time. This makes the presentation even more accessible to people around the world and it gives the people who would want to watch a MUCH more interactive experience.
5) It could change the face of Education – When I was in University (a hundred million years ago) one of the services that they had was that they would record certain classes and you would be able to rent the VHS tape (if you don’t know what that ask your parents) and watch the class at home on the TV. I have no doubt that they have moved on to being able to access those lessons from an online portal. My point is this, Could you imagine going through an entire degree program without ever having to step inside a classroom? For those who cannot afford the expense of moving to go to university or those who are interested in learning but have a full-time day job would be able to do an entire class and be able to experience everything, they needed to without having to take on the overabundant cost usually associated with University life.
While for sure the way that it’s being used for the Olympics is super cool, what we will be able to use this technology for in the future. Now that VR technology and internet streaming has gotten to the point that we can practically feel like we are emersed in a different place. There is practically nothing that we won’t be able to experience now that the VR experience is as realistic as it is.
Have you tried the VR apps for the Olympics? What do you think of them?

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