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3 Reasons why Ritual is the Lunch app to use

One of the biggest things that most of the modern workforce has to deal with is lines at lunchtime. To be clear, I fully recognize that this is a “first world problem” and that there are many (MANY) other problems that people in the world deal with on a daily basis. Lunch lines are, however, a problem of modern day office living and it is one that there had been a solution created. As always, first things first;


WARNING!!!! LEGAL STUFF; I am in no way associated with the Ritual app I have just been using it for the past while (as of this posting), and I’m a huge fan. You can’t sign up to ritual through me, and if you do, I don’t get anything out of it.


The solution that I discovered a few weeks ago is an app called Ritual. Well, when I say “discovered” what I mean was that someone told me about it. In truth, I had heard about it a few months ago but off the cuff dismissed it because it didn’t appear to be a service available in Canada. Luckily I heard about it a couple of weeks ago from a colleague of mine who highly recommended it. He was absolutely right. I have been using it for a little under a month now, and I’m completely hooked.


Previous to this I would pay cash for my lunches when I was eating on my own. It’s an old habit from the beginning of my career; my paycheck would come in, I would “take out my lunch money” for the next couple of weeks and then pay for groceries and bills, etc. with what was left in my account. It was an easy way for me to ensure that I had money to pay for lunch when I was working. Now Its easier and FAR more convenient to use my credit card. Using Ritual makes it even easier as you don’t have to deal with lines or to try to tell the person on the other side of the counter what you want to eat. There are three things specifically that I found about Ritual in particular;


1) It’s super simple – Seriously. It’s AMAZINGLY simple. There are some apps where you have to set up your profile, and provide every last scrap of information like your Birthday, your gender, your location, your blood type (Just kidding). With Ritual all I had to do with give my name and phone number and I was good to go. I will say this; you do have the ability to put in information about where you work which could give you the ability to join a “team.” When you add a team, it means that if someone else in your company is going to the same place, then they can pick up your order for you, but again that’s an option that you can choose to select or not depending on your preference. I will also say that it’s lovely that through the app you can input all the options that you can about your food and when the restaurant gets the order they make it to your specifications. All you have to do is pick your order up when you’re told it’s ready.


2) It’s really convenient – waiting in lines that take forever bug’s me. It just does. Until I started using Ritual, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. I would go to the same place in the food court so that they would get used to me and know my order so I wouldn’t have to say what it was over and over. The only problem with this is that while I like what I have for lunch if I want to switch it up, I have to go somewhere else entirely. They start making my usual order as soon as they see me and before I have a chance to get to the counter to order something else. They are well, and I would never say anything against them for that, but sometimes a guy just wants to switch it up you know?


3) It does have some limitations…but not much – The only real restriction that I have found with Ritual has nothing to do with Ritual at all. It’s the menu selection. The place where I have lunch on a regular basis doesn’t have their drinks on the Ritual app. The restaurant that I go to is a chain restaurant, which I won’t mention the name of, the point is that I like it. I would imagine the reason for this is because they don’t have standard drinks from location to location, different bottles of pop and juice and not just fountain drinks. I know that it’s the restaurant because I have gone to other places (best kind of research BTW) and I found that restaurants with fountain soft drinks can work in their drinks into the menu.


We all lead busy lives and being able to save time is something that we all need. Whether you’re working on a deadline or have a project that you need to monitor, Ritual will make it so that you don’t have to wait for the one thing that you need, the fuel to keep working. The Ritual app makes grabbing your lunch just that much easier. Also, this week is Ritual’s “Eats week” which means that you’ll get 50% off certain locations when your order through ritual and use Apple Pay. Seems like a good time to give it a try to me.


Are you tired of waiting in lines? 

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