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3 Reasons why Spark Lit the Fire in my e-mail

Since we’ve been talking about the subject of e-mail this week, I figured I should talk about the e-mail program that I love using, called Spark. A couple of years ago I found that the e-mail program I was using didn’t work right, or at least didn’t work right for me) and I started searching for a new one. To be clear, I’m not talking about getting a new e-mail address but finding a new e-mail client or program through which I would be able to access my e-mail quickly. I wanted to find an e-mail program that I would be able to access through all of my devices, and that would be consistent across those same devices. But before I talk about that….


WARNING LEGAL STUFF!!!! To be clear, I’m not associated with Spark in any other fashion other that I actually use their product. I’m not an affiliate marketer, and if you decide to go with Spark after reading this, I get nothing other than the satisfaction of knowing you went with my advice. Now that that’s over with…..


It took a lot more work that I thought it would. I spend hours in the app store and online looking through programs that I could use. I would find a program that I really liked and looked cool and try it on my phone, only to see that it didn’t have an app that I could use on my laptop or vice versa. It was starting to get frustrating, but then I found Spark. Spark is a great e-mail program, and I’ve had no issues with it, it even showed me a couple of tricks that I never thought I needed before until I started using Spark.


1) It’s Cross-platform – In today’s world you would think that this would be a standard, but unbelievably there are some e-mail programs that either works great on your desktop and not on your phone or vice vera. The other thing that I found was that some e-mail programs didn’t even have a program to make them cross-platform. This is where Spark was able to shine. Spark’s apps for both Computer, Phone, AND Tablet were not only functional and beautiful, but they are also really easy to use.


2) It’s got a snooze for your e-mail – Ever get an e-mail and think to yourself “Oh I’ll just deal with it tomorrow,” but then it gets buried amongst your other e-mails? With the Snooze function that you can get in Spark that’s no longer an issue. Mainly if you use the snooze function (like you would on your alarm in the morning), the e-mail goes out of your inbox and comes back at the top of the pile on another day or week of your choosing. This is a GREAT feature if you’re looking to focus on one particular issue and do not want to get bogged down by too many things at once.


3) It’s smart about sorting your e-mail for you – I don’t know about you, but I get all kinds of junk mail, and notifications and other things. The one thing that is the bain of my existence is that in most of the e-mail programs I’ve used there is no way to separate the “wheat from the chaff” if you will of e-mails you want and e-mails that are just asking you to buy stuff. With Spark, however, it has an e-mail system that automatically separates “notifications” and “seen e-mails and “Pinned” (or flagged) e-mails so that you can easily find what you’re looking for.


E-mail is one of the more essential methods of communication today. Spark can curate your e-mail so that you only have to look at the most relevant information and can deal with the other things after. I have used this program for a couple of years now, and I would highly recommend it. If you would like, you can check it out here.


What e-mail program do you use? What do you like about it? 

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