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3 reasons why Cross-Platform ability is so important

I’ve talked numerous times about how cross-platform ability is related to different products like Evernote or Wunderlist but I’ve done some checking and I’ve never actually posted about Cross Platform-ability itself. This is something that drives my choices as far as purchasing apps are concerned. Essentially “Cross-Platform” means that the program in question will work the same if it’s on Mac, PC, Mobile devices or through an internet browser. I personally tend to favor apps which offer seamless cross platform-ability.


1) Mobility – I talked about this earlier this week (hyperlink) but I think it’s worth repeating. In a world where we have the ability to work anywhere, it’s important to have that ability be as flexible as possible. Mobile technology and the ability for our apps to have a mobile option is certainly a part of that flexibility. if you’re working off an app that only is able to exist on one device then the issue occurs where you are stuck using that one particular device or terminal to do whatever work you are required to do, which can drag down productivity.


2) Consistency – I don’t know your technological situation, but for me, when I’m at work I use PC’s and when I’m at home I use a Mac. for this reason alone being cross-platform is critical. It would be nearly impossible for me to work on a document at my office on Word, and then come home, try to convert the document over to Pages (the Mac equivalent to Word), continue working on it at home, and then have to convert it back to Word when I go back to the office the next day. The conversion process alone would drive me nuts to say nothing of wasting time. Having the ability to access the same programs with (more or less) the same functionality is important for any business or business person because it means that they are free to do the same level of quality of work no matter what device they are working off of.


3) Connectivity – Nothing drives me more to distraction than a program that offers to fix all my productivity problems, but is only available on my Laptop. Why not my phone? why not Online? The ability to offer cross-platform-ability in an app is critical for people who do business in multiple areas to say nothing of people who do business in general. If your computer is one brand and your cell phone is another you don’t want to have to rely on them to provide you with a program that will work on both. Frankly, it’s simpler to find an app that works on any device no matter what the hardware is.


With mobility being on the forefront of most technology nowadays, we need to ensure that the apps we’re using have the ability to keep up with us. We have moved beyond the time where hardware companies and software companies would make exclusivity deals so in order to work on a program you had to buy a specific machine. We are now in an age where the best app which gives the best product will win. This is actually a really good thing for consumers. With all programs vying for your attention (and money) then it is really up to you or your organization to find the program with the best “look and feel” as well as the functionality that suits you best. What’s even better is that, with most programs having either a free version or a trial period, if you don’t like the product you’ve tried, then it costs no money at all to go on to the next trial.


Are you cross-platform? 

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