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World Technology Day

HAPPY WORLD TECHNOLOGY DAY, PEOPLE!!!!! As you can probably imagine, I love what technology has done for us. Shocking to hear a technologist say this, I know, but it’s true. I’m not simply talking about modern technology (IoT, VR and whatnot) but also just basic stuff. I like how technology has made it so that everything we do is more manageable. It’s essential to recognize how much of an impact technology has had on our work and lives. There are so many different ways that we use and access technology daily that there’s no way that I would be able to go through it all in one post. That being said, I have got some thoughts on the general views of technology.

1) What People think about Technology – As someone who works in IT Support, I have encountered all manner of technology opinions. I have encountered people who sort of like it, those who don’t, and even those who find essential things so completely incomprehensible. I’ve come across people who can integrate it into their lives and those who are still struggling. As for me, I’m along the lines of those who’ve integrated technology into my life and found ways to make it enhance my life. Certainly, I’ve been able to make a career and thus some money off of technology, but it’s also been an excellent way for me to express myself through this blog.

2) What Hollywood thinks about technology – Hollywood, I’ve found, has a mixed view of technology. It depends on the usage. Indeed, they are willing and able to use anything they can to make their movies and TV shows. Special effects and Computer simulations have made it so that, from Action movies to Sci-Fi and Fantasy, anything that the directors, producers and animators can think of can come to life. The one recurring theme that I have seen when they do their storytelling, however, is that technology will eventually take down society, and the world will end. The other possibility is that our technology is not going to improve, only get more incredible looking. I would never expect them to predict the future of technology (that’s not their job), but It would be cool to see a sci-fi film that accurately predicts what will happen with technology every once and a while.

3) What we have achieved in the past 30 years – I can’t understate how galactic a shift technology has taken in the past 30-40 years. When I was little, computers were massively bulky machines that provided very little computing power, and what graphics were available back then were not very good. Now I have a ring that not only provides me with more data daily but probably has more computing power than one of the earlier computers did. Where before, it would take an age to print off a document (and you would print it off because That’s how you handed documents to people) now, you can share various cloud folders and or access others’ folders to drag and drop into their systems. We can watch entire TV series in our pockets. It amazes me how far we’ve come.

4) What’s to come? – Of course, here I am basing the Movies on not predicting how technology is going to work and then making a prediction of my own. There will undoubtedly be some virtual workstations where there will be a combination of Augmented Reality and cloud integration, making it so that we can work and interact and play on a more convenient level. Some of the things that we use on a daily basis, I think that the only real gap that is missing is a holistic approach to managing personal records. What baffles me is how (in Canada) we haven’t figured out some form of App or website where we can get all of our records all in one spot. Last year I caught the attention of a Lawyer out in BC named Guy Huntington. We’ve had some exciting conversations about how people in a global environment can maintain their PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and all the legal and what the future of technology and how people around the world will interact with it and each other at the same time. If you want to check out some of his work, you can check some of his articles on this subject here. I would highly advise it because while it’s slightly technical, it’s definitely thought-provoking.

At the end of the day, technology isn’t going anywhere. Ever since the advent of the wheel, humankind has relied on technology to go through our day-to-day lives. The only difference now is that the tech that we use now is a lot more immersive and more involved than ever before. This means that we need to be up to date on how technology works (Certainly), but we also need to know how to utilize it and what we really “need” in our lives. Like everything in life, how your technology works for you depends on how you use it. Use it well, with an informed or open mind, and you’ll have good results. Try using it with a closed mind and not caring how things work, only “that they work,” and you will have a much rougher time.

How do you find your technology works for you?

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