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Why I like the Apple Ecosystem

I will admit, I was late to the party. Not a particular event in any way shape or form, but I was a later adopted of the whole Mac system. When I was growing up, I was raised on Windows. I used it in high school, college, and later in my working life (when I eventually became an office worker). Because I was using one system at school/work, I thought it would be a hassle to have one operating system in one place and a different operating system in another. I had elaborated before how I converted over, and I have to admit that I am so much happier now.

1) I’m more efficient – I didn’t think that I would be more efficient working with Apple than working with PC, but it certainly feels that way. It’s also entirely possible that because most of the things that I work on are cloud-based, they show up on my machines. At least part of that is because my work is primarily based in the cloud, but I will also give Apple credit because all of the apps come from the same store. I don’t have to rely on the Microsoft Store and the Google Play Store having the same apps (or possibly not having the same apps as the case may be) because, with little exception, Apple has made it so that if there is an app that you can get on your iPhone, you should be able to get it on you iPad and Mac computer as well. The only time that I have not been able to find it was with the calendar app that I talked about last week. Other than that, I have the same workspaces, no matter which of the devices I work on.

2) Everything syncs together – This was the greatest bane of my existence when I lived my PC life. I would take a picture on my iPhone, and I would have to physically load it up to my computer to have it with the rest of my photos. Now, if I take a picture, purchase an app, or respond to an e-mail, everything is coordinated and is reflected in all of my other devices. I like that everything syncs. I like that it doesn’t matter what device I’m on I can get the same thing. It makes it easier for me to know that if I need my e-mail, I Don’t need one device, and if I want to look at my pictures, I need to look at another.

3) I like the OS Better – I fully recognize that this is a personal choice, but it’s a thing for me. I work with both Windows and Mac. I have used both Apple and Android phones. I have found that the OS (or Operating System) is better and easier to work with. I will admit that when I first got my mac, the transition was a little rough, simply because I hadn’t used a mac before and because there are quantifiable differences between how the two different operating systems work. That being said, once I got my sea legs wet and figured out where everything was, I found that I was able to work better and more efficiently on a mac than I ever had been on a PC. The fact that I worked better, actually quite nicely leads me to my next point, which is….

4) It’s a complete system – One of the things that I like about Macs is that if you are starting, they can provide you with everything you need to get everything done. Need a word processor, they have that, need an e-mail address; it’s included in the package, Want to do up a spreadsheet, that’s available too. The other thing that I like about the complete ecosystem is that you do not necessarily have to use it while it’s available for you. It’s a great safety net if you need it.

5) It’s beautiful – Another wholly subjective thing, but it’s something that strikes me about using the Apple Ecosystem. While there are many system interfaces nowadays that are good looking and fun to work on, one of the first companies that came out with an interface designed from the ground up to be beautiful was Apple. They have always put a high premium on looking good as well as being good. That premium is something that I always appreciate.

When I first decided to get an iPhone, it was because I thought it was silly having a cell phone and an iPod when I could use one for both. I got an iPad, cause I thought that they would be cool. While my full conversion took me a bit more time once I got my computer, I was all in. Having worked with both, I completely understand why people go with one or the other. If given the choice I used to go with PC, but given my experience, I think I would now go with Mac.

Which do you prefer, Mac or PC?

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1 Comment

  1. paul

    i agree that Apple is superior, easier and more fun..i would rather hold my apple ipad pro than my Surface anyday.

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