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Why I like Apple Music

I don’t know about you, but I grew up with headphones on. Any time I was on the move, I typically had some kind of music in my ears. I loved having songs to roam around with; it was kind of like having the background music for the main character in a movie, except the character could hear the music too. The only drag was that because I was limited to my Discman, I would find that I usually was limited to either one CD at a time if I was going on an adventure, or I would have to carry around a few of them in a CD book (#oldtimer). Now, however, we have things like Itunes and Apple Music, and I have to say, the volume of music you can keep in your pocket has exploded. I love it.

1) It’s convenient – There have been many times when I’ve been in a store or a mall and heard some playing and liked it and decided I wanted to get it. Before, I would have to purchase the whole album; now I can download the one song and carry on with my day? That level of convenience is worth its weight in gold.

2) It’s simple to use – It’s simply a matter of sign up, agree to pay the monthly fee and go. I love how Apple makes everything as easy as possible for its users. Instead of having to go through the process of purchasing a song or an album one at a time, I can get what I want and carry on. One of the aggravating things about iTunes, before I got my Apple Music subscription, was that if I downloaded one song from one album, I wouldn’t access the rest of the album without purchasing it first. Now I can access anything whenever I want.

3) It seems cheaper – I have to admit, I didn’t run the numbers for this part. The reason for this is simple. My purchasing habits for music are very likely different than yours. You may get more music than I do, or you may get less, I don’t know. Here’s the trick, though. The more music you purchase, the cheaper your Apple Music subscription is likely to get. If you think about it in terms of Dollars per song, if you are buying (let’s say) 10 songs a month, and your subscription is $4.50/month, then it’s.45 cents a song. Considering most songs on Apple Music around $1.30, that’s a serious deal. If you purchase MORE than ten songs a month, then the numbers get even better.

I can’t speak to any of the other music streaming services, but I have found that listening to music has become so much more of an enjoyable experience with iTunes. I know that the music experience is, and always has been, very personal. This is reflective in the fact that those who I’ve spoken to who like apple Music swear by it, and those whom I’ve talked to who use services like Spotify would never switch from there. Apple Music and all of the streaming services have allowed us to customize the music listening experience to enjoy it as much as possible. So no matter where you get your music, the streaming services that we have to allow you to access the music you like, how you want it, where you want it.

Where do you listen to your music?

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