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Who Loves Their Shredder? Is it Just Me?

Not this guy, but we’ll let the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles deal with him. I’m talking about my paper shredder. Here’s the thing. I like my shredder. Like, I REALLY like my shredder. I have this general issue with keeping paper and having a way to get rid of it makes me happy. I’m not entirely sure if it’s just me, but being able to get rid of the paper in my life is one of the things that I derive a level of joy that I can’t quite quantify. As I’m writing this article, I realize that some of the reasons that I like my shredder sound a little bit like I wear a tin foil hat and worry about radio signals in my fillings. I can assure you that this is not the case. My issue comes from the fact that there is too much paper in my house. I sign up for e-delivery of things, but that doesn’t seem to stop the paper from flowing. I like my shredder for a few different reasons;

1) My shredder gets rid of my paper securely – In the day and age where everyone looks at everything, I’m a little paranoid about what documents I get to shred. What I like about my shredder is that not only does it cut the pages I run through it into strips, it does a crosshatch thing where it makes it into small squares. This double shredding has the effect of making whatever I shred even more impossible to try and reassemble. No one would be able to reassemble the pages in case I was getting rid of something sensitive (see, I told you there would be some “tin foil hat” claims here). In both our professional and personal lives, we deal with sensitive documents, and it’s essential to dispose of them both securely.

2) I find it fun to use – No, seriously. I get twitchy when there is too much paper in my house. Despite signing up for e-mail delivery as much as humanly possible, there are still a remarkable amount of things that get sent to me a hard copy. I find it soothing to run the paper that comes into my house (once it’s been scanned of course) through the shredder. Call me a nerd if you’d like, but I enjoy using my shredder.

3) It takes up as much space as my trash bin – For those of you who think that shredders are enormous and take up too much space, you’re very very wrong. The take-up so little space that when I’m not using it, I occasionally forget that it’s there. I keep mine under my desk and when I’m ready to use it, all I have to do it pull it out enough to feed the paper in and shred to my heart’s desire.

Do me a favour, the next time you’re looking at that massive pile of papers sitting on your counter in your kitchen think to yourself, “Wouldn’t that look better if it were clear?” Having a shredder should be a staple appliance in every household. They are very useful in getting rid of that pile of papers you have sitting on your counter or desk. It’s a great and secure way to get rid of your documents, and you never know, once you shred for long enough, you may learn to enjoy it too!

Do you have a shredder in your home?

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