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We Live in an App Driven World

With our smartphones being as indispensable to us as they have become, the one thing that is driving our society at large is our Apps. We have become so reliant on them that there are at least two apps for everything that we could do. For sure there are many more types of apps that you can find in both the Apple App store and the Google Play store, but I’ve highlighted the ones that I have found to be the most useful.

1) Health Apps – Be it exercise apps or nutrition apps, Health apps are indeed one of the dominant types of apps out on the market today. The good thing about these apps is that most of us keep our phones on us all the time, we can get reminded continuously to be able to eat healthily and when to work out. This makes it mostly (or, somewhat, hopefully) automatic. Being the Devotee of Apple that I am, I have to admit that my favourite app in this regard is the Apple native Activity App. I’ve been using it for so long that it’s nearly a compulsion to close my rings.

2) Organizational Apps – Of course, I’m going to talk about how Organizational apps help our lives. Lots of these are standard apps that already come on our phones like Calendar Apps, e-mail apps, and contact apps, but there are also to do list apps, project management apps and apps which make it so that you can work just as easily on your phone as you can on your computer.

3) Food Apps – These are to be differentiated between the health apps because there are a series of apps out there which can bring you food. I’ll be honest, I consider myself far to frequent of a user of some of the apps that bring you fast food, but I will happily admit to using my coffee ordering app, because I love coffee and it helps me through my day, and anything that helps me in getting coffee is a good thing in my eyes.

4) Game Apps – It’s funny because as I’m writing this post on my computer, I’m also playing a game on my phone. There is a wide range of games from the simple snake game to things like Fortnite, and the best part is that with the technology in smartphones that we have today you can get any one of those games. I like the simpler games like 2 for 2 which don’t take a lot of my phone’s memory and that I can play on the subway.

5) Education Apps – Want to learn a new language? There’s an app for that. Want to learn a new skill? There’s an app for that. I’ve even seen ads for apps which help you get a higher education. Being able to improve one’s self is important, and education apps are an excellent way for each of us to be able to do that. It’s education and skills quite literally in the palm of your hand.

6) Tools apps – This one may seem a little strange, but there are actual tools that you can find for your phone. I once used an app to measure the size of a room. There are a variety of apps being developed as tools, but there are also apps that are actual tools. I remember once using an app that was a measuring tape. You would hold your phone against one end of the thing you’re measuring and move your phone along to get the measurement. Admittedly you would have to scroll the screen so that the numbers moved along, so you would have to have some level of faith in your ability to keep that straight (which I didn’t), but it was an interesting app just the same.

Throughout our day to day lives we use apps for nearly everything. There are millions upon millions of apps that can do almost everything. Not only that but there are multiple different apps which do the same types of things, so there are always options. Because we have these types of options, we can use the apps that work best for us. It can come down to the look and feel of the app itself.

What kind of apps do you like using the best?

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