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Time for a “Coffee Break”

Every once and a while, I walk away from things. There is nothing wrong with this. I’ve certainly walked away from the blog once or twice. The past couple of years has been rough, from the lockdown and the Pandemic and waiting for Vaccines to trying to maintain a work-life balance and keeping my health in check; It’s been tough.

1) Health update – I know that I have been doing these health posts throughout the year. Mostly it was to keep myself accountable, but it was also to help anyone who wanted to use technology to help improve their physical or mental lives. I have to say that since I’ve been doing these posts, I have been more and more motivated to keep going with my program. As I’m writing this, I’m about 60 pounds down from my starting weight, and I’m hoping to keep doing this to improve myself and my life. As I find things that help me along with my fitness journey, I will be reporting back to you and making recommendations as they come along.

2) Time to plan – One of the things that I have done over the past few years is put together a yearly plan of things I want to get done the following year. This takes up quite a bit of my brain power as I really want to make sure that I knock 2022 out of the park. There are some things that I was able to do this year, some things that I didn’t, and taking the time with myself to get my life organized so that I can have a great year next year.

3) Stepping back, but not going away – For those of you who see me on Social media, you will still see updates from me, I’ll make comments on other articles, but I won’t be putting up any of my stuff until the new year. It’s vital for me to take time for myself and make sure that I have the proper amount of energy to do this blog and everything else in my life. Stepping away allows me to recharge and come back with even more energy and enthusiasm than before.

Never fear! I’ve had a great year this year. There have been some amazing developments in technology and some cool toys that have come out. I’m looking forward to next year, and I know that there will be some exciting innovations coming out that I’ll be able to report back on. In the meantime, If there are any questions about Organizing Your Digital Life that you can’t sort out, feel free to drop me a comment or a question in the “Ask Jason” section of this site. You’ll see the tab on the upper right-hand side. I’m always looking for new content or things related to technology to talk about. For now, Have a great rest of your year, and I’ll see you in 2022!

What are you looking forward to in the new year?

Let me know in the comments section below. If you like this blog post and want to see more, you can follow me on Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @jasonlovefiles) or Subscribe to my blog to get new content delivered directly to your mailbox.

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