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Theragun is the Ultimate Tool to avoid Soreness after a workout

Over the past few months, I have been working out more and more to get myself into better shape or stop sweating when I go up a flight of stairs. Because of all this, I’m (quite obviously) using my muscles WAY more than I had previously. I did quickly discover that when you use various muscle groups in a moderate to intense manner, they tend to protest in the form of making me ache. Instead of walking around moaning, groaning and generally complaining about how sore I am, I decided to take action…but first…

LEGAL MUMBOJUMBO; I have no affiliation with Therabody or Theragun. I purchased their products and LOVE IT…that is all. If you choose to get one of these things based on this post, then that’s awesome, but all I will get is the satisfaction in knowing I help with your decision. Are we all good here? Sweet….ON WITH THE POST!

I’d seen ad’s on Social media for Theragun and various related products, and after a while, I relented and got one for my Birthday. While I got teased a little, forgetting something that looks like an inappropriate toy, Once I started using it, it made me feel so much better almost instantly.

1) Light and compact – Putting the therapeutic aspects of this thing aside for a moment (Don’t worry, we’ll get to that), I LOVE the fact that this is small enough that you can use it one-handed. Over the course of the summer, I have brought it to a variety of different places (Cottages, etc.) and had the opportunity to use it at night after a hard day of work. I get that “Work” may be lounging on the deck reading a book….but still! You would think (or indeed I used to think) that something as small as that wouldn’t be very effective or last very long. Luckily for me, it does both. I also like that if I have to use the Theragun on my back, it’s really maneuverable, and I’m about to reach even the most unreachable spots on my back.

2) There’s an app for that….because, of course, there is – It seems that everything these days has an app these days and the Theragun is no different. What’s cool is that you can, from the app, control the intensity of the vibrations, but it also has a variety of different routines that you can do in order to ease any pain you may be feeling. I have to say that I did a couple of the routines. One was for people who run (which I did after a run on my treadmill), and the other I did because it made me laugh. It was called the “tech Neck,” which works your upper body. I felt great after going through both of these routines because not only do they tell you what areas of your body to massage and for how long, but they also tell you how to move the device to gain maximum effect.

3) Good god it works – I mentioned before about the therapeutic aspects of this device. Oh my goodness, it is completely changed my workouts. I used to work out and be sore or stiff for a day or so, and generally feel not amazing, but with this, I can massage any part of my body which aches. What’s more, it does it both easily and efficiently.

I’ve been talking all year about how I use technology in order to manage my weight. I figured that this time around, I should talk about a tool that I use in order to maintain my regimen. What’s great about the Theragun system is that it makes it so that when you workout at home or elsewhere, you don’t have to suffer the aches and pains that typically come with working out all the time. If you find that you’re working out regularly, even if it’s only a few times a week, I would highly advise checking out one of these devices. It will certainly help you along your fitness journey.

What do you use to help you after a workout?

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