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The Reason for Quality Hardware

Part of the digital experience, how we spend our time in the digital realm, is dependant on how we access that digital realm. To have the best quality experience possible, one of the key factors that you need is suitable quality hardware. The kind of equipment I’m talking about is Plain old keyboards, mouses, screens and devices. Think for a second about how ‘you’re accessing this blog as an example. Are you reading it in your office or home on a computer screen? Are you sitting on a train commuting to and from work? ‘It’s dependant on the hardware that you use to access your digital life. There are many reasons why having quality equipment at your fingertips is essential for a few different reasons;

1) It will Last Longer – Quality things are meant to last, which is true of relationships, good food and computer hardware. If you take the time to look into what ‘you’re buying and make sure that ‘it’s correct, then you will find that it will work better for longer. I ‘don’t understand the point of buying poor quality equipment. Yes, there is a short term gain because you likely ‘won’t have to pay as much as you would have had to for quality equipment, but that short term decision comes at a cost.

2) In the Long Run, it’s Cheaper – Think about it this way. You have the choice of scanners, one is a serious brand name that you recognize, but is $120.00. Your other option is getting a scanner with a brand name ‘you’ve never heard of before, which is $40.00. At face value, they are both scanners and work the same. ‘You’d probably go with the cheaper scanner, right? ‘Here’s the thing, going with the more affordable scanner is less expensive in the short term, but if it breaks and needs repair or replacement, you will need to get it replaced. ‘Let’s say the $40.00 scanner needs to get replaced once every six months. After two years ‘that’s $160.00!!!! Where the quality scanner is still running after year 4, the cheap scanner is massively more expensive long term.

3) It Makes for a Better Experience – I feel like this goes without saying, but to be on the safe side; QUALITY PRODUCTS WORK BETTER!!!! Products with unrecognizable brand names typically ‘don’t perform as well as their known brand counterparts. Also, if your machine breaks down, it can be nearly impossible to find a way to get it fixed. I will say that I have had experiences where a product I ‘didn’t know that well turned out to be a phenomenal product, and I have had a big brand name completely crash and burn on me, but for the most part, quality brand name equipment will be your best bet.

Organizing your digital life is made so much easier with the hardware to back it up. Being digitally organized is great, but if you ‘can’t access it because of faulty equipment, then the point is somewhat moot. I” ” m going to be talking a lot this month about the different aspects of the hardware we use. The important thing to realize is that no matter what it is, your equipment can and really should be the highest quality you can get. I would also like to, for the moment, say that ‘I’m talking about your own personal hardware. I would assume that things that get issued to you through a company policy would have different rules.

Do you think the hardware you use is any good? Let me know in the comments section below. If you like this blog post and want to see more, you can follow me on Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @jasonlovefiles) or Subscribe to my blog to get new content delivered directly to your mailbox.

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