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The iPhone 11 Pro is an Amazing Device

As you may remember from my review of the Apple Keynote from a couple of months ago, I was interested in getting the iPhone 11 Pro. Well, I did it, and I have to say, having lived with it for a few months, I’m really enjoying it. For reference, my previous phone was an iPhone 8, so the Technological leap was significant. One of my general rules of thumb with Apple tech is that whenever they do a substantial leap in technology, it’s always best to wait a generation or two before you buy.  A great example is when they did with the iPhone X, getting rid of the button/implementing facial recognition. It’s always best to wait just in case there are bugs that they have to work out in the hardware. I figured that with the iPhone ll Pro, I would be safe with giving it a go. Also, the contract on my last phone was about to expire, so that was another good reason to upgrade.

The Size

Ok, so let’s talk about the massive screen size increase. The removal of the bezzling from the top and the bottom has made for a dramatic increase in what you can do with the screen of your phone. I will admit, when they first came out with the full screen, I had my doubts. I was particularly concerned that I would constantly be touching parts of the screen that I had not intended. After using it for a while, I’ve found that it’s not the case. The other bit that I like is the fact that while the screen is significantly bigger, the actual physical size of the phone is actually not any bigger. With the phone being the same size, it makes it easy to carry around in my pocket.

The Camera

I’ll be the first to say that I’m not a professional photographer. Heck, I’m barely an amateur, but even I can see that the three-camera system that Apple has devised for the iPhone 11 Pro is an amazing camera. I’ve taken quite a few photos with it, and it’s the clearest that I’ve seen from any phone camera. It’s nearly as good as any SLR camera. I also am thrilled with the video quality that you can get with the phone. I’ve seen 4K video before, which is what the iPhone camera has, but I’ve never taken it before, and It’s quite amazing.

The Weight

This is one of the more curious things about the new phone that I have seen or received comments on. I knew going in that it was going to be heavier than my old iPhone 8. That was expected. What I didn’t realize was that it was significantly heavier than the previous models. I’ve held bot the 11 pro and an X in my hand, and yes, it is heavier, but it’s not significant. Frankly, the reason it’s heavier is that it has a battery, which is 25% bigger than in previous models. I’ve had my phone for a full day and a half before the battery ran out, so I’m more than happy to take the extra weight. It’s not that significant anyway, and the battery is well worth it.

Facial Recognition

I have to say, I was totally wowed (like WOW!!!!!) by the facial recognition technology. I have a Qi charger that stands up my phone on my desk. I got it for my last phone because I wanted to be able to see when people like my Wife were texting me. The only problem with it was that with the previous phone, I would have to reach over my desk and press the button to make sure the thing opened. Now with the facial recognition, all I need to do is flick the screen (Cause by looking at it I’ve unlocked it), and it opens. It’s awesome.

Overall, I think that the iPhone 11 Pro is awesome. I’m not trying to get swept up in the hype here; I’m just going with what I’ve experienced. I’m sure that because I’m not a professional photographer. I’m not getting all the juice out of the camera, but from what I’ve experienced, It’s amazing. I like this phone; I have to admit, I found it quite helpful that my contract for the payment on my last phone came to an end when the 11 Pro got released. Buying the phone outright is not something that I would be interested in simply from sticker shock alone. While the price is high, the fact that my carrier allows me to get the phone and pay it off over two years makes it far more economical. As we enter the holiday season where people are buying gifts left to right and centre, saving money where you can is a good thing. Also, if you are looking for a gift for someone in your life, the iPhone 11 Pro is a seriously cool gift. Not for me, though; I’ve already got mine.

What do you think about the new iPhone?

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