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The Apple Event Today

With the Apple Event about to happen, everyone and their dog has an opinion as to what Apple will be showing us. For those of us who live in the Church of Apple, we generally look forward to these events because they are entertaining to watch. Ever since Steve Jobs got up on stage and started telling about the cool things that Apple was coming out with, It’s been ab event to see what’s shiny and new withing the Apple Universe. I’m sure that every apple fan will be looking for specific information on products that they hope are coming out. As for this Apple Fan, I’m assuming that we’re going to have a few basic things;

Engaging intro

One of the things that we can be sure to have is an introduction that will capture us from the start. We’ve seen everything from contemporary music being used against a vivid colours background, to last year with a “mission impossible” style introduction. They had an intern had to run across the Cupertino campus with an “essential package,” which ended up being the clicker that Tim Cook would use to move the presentation along. While I try not to assume that they will stick to a theme for their intro this time around, I am willing to hedge my bets on it being cool and very engaging.

Assurance about privacy

With the headlines reaming out tech companies, and with the most recent news about people on the other side of your digital assistants listening in (or “reviewing”) the things that are said. They will have to take some time to talk about privacy. Earlier this year, it was discovered that employees at Amazon, Google and Apple had been reviewing requests. This is something that Apple has to address. While they have made changes to how it all works, they will still need to be able to speak to this at the Keynote.

New Tech

In the past, the apple events have spent a good deal of the time going through the newest tech that they put out. All the features of their latest iPhone or the latest innovation in their MacBook lines, as an example. The past two events have shown more detail on the services that they can provide, while only giving minimal information on their new tech. While I am expecting a new version of the iPhone will be unveiled, I would imagine that the Services will still have a prominent spot on the schedule.

New games

Something that Apple has put a serious effort into is its ability for people to use their phones for nearly everything, this includes all your entertainment needs. I certainly have played my share of games on my iPhone. The type of games that they have been featuring at the KeyNote events have been more of the involved kind, and not the ones that I’m able to play on the subway to and from work. These games have Augmented Reality, which has demonstrated the ability of the cameras on the new phones. I’m assuming that there is an excellent game that they will be featuring. If there is a new phone which will undoubtedly have a better camera, Apple will demonstrate a way to use that for a game or something that will make it look awesome.

More info on Apple+

In their last Keynote event, They did the official launch of Apple+ which is their streaming service which will compete with Netflix, Amazon Prime, and the forthcoming Disney+. It was an excellent presentation with some of the actors from the original shows that they will be putting on. Now that we have an official Launch date (November) and a price (Country dependent), I would imagine that there will be more information about it and how to get access.

As the event is happening today, you will not have to wait long to see if I’m right. For those of you who read my blog in the morning, It’s happening at 1 pm Est. I”m going to be tuning in a little later so I will be able to give a proper review next week. Hopefully, all the dust (if any) that will have come up from the event will have settled, and then we can go through what happened.

Are you looking forward to the event?

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