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Phone Games are my Go-To Games

Whether it’s waiting in line at a store or travelling on the subway, I like to keep myself entertained. This is where Phone games into play for me (Pun only partially intended). I realize that there are games that you can play on your phone that are lengthy, have lots of graphics and usually require an internet connection, but that’s not the kind I’m talking about. The ones that I like the best are the ones that require a minimal amount of effort.

1) They’re simple – I don’t know about you, but I do lead a fairly busy life. Between work, family and friends, and writing, I usually don’t have a load of time to devote to a long and complicated storyline. At least often, I have had a small change that I’ll be talking about in a couple of weeks. Mostly when I’m playing these kinds of games, I’m waiting in line for something, and I need to be able to pay attention to the thing I’m waiting for. The kinds of games I like playing on my phone are simple to get into and, more importantly, simple to get out of. If I’m taking a subway ride or in a line, I don’t want to have to deal with long, convoluted stories that I will have to pay attention to. Also, story-heavy games with large amounts of graphics have longer load times, and I’ve found that the game doesn’t load in time for me to play it before I’m out of the line anyway. I need to pay some level of attention to what’s going on around me, and the simpler phone games make it so that I don’t have to get too involved before it’s my turn at the grocery checkout.

2) They’re easy to learn – For the games that I am only playing a few minutes at a time, I don’t like games that require many complex “up+down+A+B” style commands. The simpler “Point and shoot” style games work best for me. Even if it’s easy to learn, I will likely download it and give it a go. If I can make the thing work reasonably quickly, then I will play it for a while. Depending on how addictive the game is, I may keep it on my phone for longer

3) They can be quite addictive – Every once and a while, I will find a game that is both incredibly simple to play and easy to learn. The problem is that they can be challenging to master. Trying to master that one bank shot, which gets rid of the remaining blocks or the one connection which finishes the level, can be very frustrating. It also leads to replaying the games every chance I get. The addiction factor for me is with the games where I have to one-up a previous best score. Seeing the last best score and the current score stare at me with beady eyes, I can almost hear the best score, saying, “I bet you can’t top this!” Naturally, this means that I have to spend my time trying to beat my previous scores.

When it comes down to it, I find that I’m playing the games on my phone more than any other device that I own. It’s been a fantastic way for me to keep myself entertained. QUICK SIDE NOTE TO MY BOSSES I also do essential business stuff on my phone. To be clear, we’re talking about phone games on this post

If you’re looking for some awesome phone games that meet the criteria that I’ve discussed in this post, here is a “top 5 phone games” list of the most addictive games I’ve come across.

  1. Ballz
  2. 2 For 2
  3. Drag n’ Merge
  4. Bubbles Empire Champions
  5. Angry Birds

What’s your favourite phone games?

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