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It Really Shouldn’t Matter where you Work

It seems amazing to me. Over the past couple of years, we’ve gone from being everyone in their offices working away, to everyone working at home working away, to some sort of hybrid system where some people are back in the office, some are working from home, and some are doing a combination of the two. I have said before that if this Pandemic were to have happened back when I was a kid, I fully believe that the world would have come to much more of a grinding halt than it did. Luckily we now have the technology to do what we do (more or less) no matter where we are.

1) Cloud Services allow for better connections – I have nothing but respect for Cloud Services. I mean, Obviously, the Tech Blogger likes this stuff. What I like about our ability to use the cloud is that no matter where we are, no matter what the situation is, we can access what we need to. E-mail, Pictures, Video or other media are all at our fingertips 24/7, whenever we want them. It’s funny; I was watching a movie a few months ago which took place in ( I want to say) the 1960’s or 70’s. It was a true crime thing which was the point of the movie, but what I happened to take away from it was the cops were trying to transport all of their files from one place to another, and they had four MASSIVE boxes to move. In today’s world, if any documents needed to be moved, they could be e-mailed or shared on a cloud server at best, loaded onto a thumb drive at worst.

2) Allow for Better Continuity – When I’m working on things in my day-to-day life, I sometimes have to use different computers (like my work computer and my home computer, for example). Cloud systems are great for this because, in this situation, you can seamlessly transition from one computer to another with little to no difficulty. When the lockdown happened in 2020, I was required to stay at home, which was fine, except my work computer was in my office, which I couldn’t access. Luckily my office had converted to a cloud system a few years before so that I could do my job with no downtime whatsoever.

3) In-person is better – I’ll be honest, I did like working from home. For sure, there was the novelty of working in my jeans and a t-shirt as opposed to working in a suit. The novelty wore off after a while. Also, I found that while working from home was more convenient; I missed being around people. I will admit that I’m more of an extrovert in my day-to-day life, so that may play a factor for me. There is also the fact that a lot of my job is desk-side assistance for people who have IT problems, which is a lot harder to deal with over a video call. There is so much more you get out of in-person interactions than you would over a video call that being in person is so much better.

In the latter half of 2021, there was a lot of hype about Offices not reopening and people not going back downtown to work ever again. As I’m writing this, it’s December of 2021, and from my point of view, that’s not true. More and more people every day want to get back to an environment that we had pre-pandemic. While some companies and individuals are using this opportunity to stay at home, I believe most people will want to come back to their offices. Human beings, by their very nature, make communities, and while we certainly can do that online, it’s the in-person stuff that really is good for it. To be clear, if you’re feeling unwell, you should stay home, but if you can, try and get out in the world and work alongside others. Our virtual environments have made it so that we can work anywhere, But I hope that, if your job allows it, you continue to work with other people.

Where do you want to work?

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