Well, not actually, “Jumping.” So here’s the story. From 2014 to 2019, I was fortunate enough to be a part of a fundraiser which helped raise money for the MS Society of Canada. It’s a great organization, and I always have a good time doing it. Not simply for the obvious reasons that I’m raising money for a cause that will (hopefully) help many people like me and me, but also because I like doing good in the world, which is one of the ways that I was able to do it. Since March of 2020, I have not had the ability to do this. Now, however, I have signed up for an event happening here in Toronto;

The MS 1 Million Dollar Tower Challenge is an event put on by KingSett Capital that allows people to raise money. For the absolute blast of doing it, they will be able to rappel off the side of off 700 University. Why would I want to do this, you say? There are actually a few excellent reasons for that.

1) Binary events – Doing an event like this weirdly falls directly in line with something I have enjoyed doing in the past. I do like doing adventures that are just a little bit scary. While intellectually, I recognize that they are all completely safe, as the Tower challenge is going to be, there is an element of “You’re going to do WHAT???” in it. A few years ago, I was able to do the CN Tower Sky Walk with my Best friend, and it was an exhilarating experience. I was scared to death during bits of it (Particularly when they get you to lean out face first over the edge), but I don’t regret it for an instant.
I’ve done stuff like this every once and a while, and I feel like I’m due for a new one. Luckily, I didn’t have to look too far because the Tower Challenge came across my path. I’m also thrilled that my buddy and I are going to be doing this adventure together. He and I have had many interesting experiences in the past, and I know that adding this one to the list will be something that we talk about
2) Raising money, but also awareness – MS is a serious disease. One of the most significant factors (in my experience) was that when I was first diagnosed, I felt alone and had no information. I have been living with this disease for 11 years as of this posting, and I have done as much as humanly possible to make sure that we find a cure for MS. I am so grateful to KingSett that they have presented the opportunity to do this. Some things that you need to know about MS are as follows;
Each person’s experience with MS will be very different. Managing the disease will also be different for each person depending on their disease course, type of MS, symptoms, prior health status, and lifestyle. Life with MS can be challenging and its effects can have a significant impact on those with the disease, their loved ones and their caregivers.
MS Society of Canada Webpage – https://mssociety.ca/managing-ms
3) You know I’m going to report back about this – I have, on occasion, talked about some of the random things that I do in my life that are not strictly technology-related. Reporting back on my experience will be no different. To borrow a phrase, “All work and no play makes Jason a dull boy.” I like to do exciting things when I’m not blogging or helping people organize their digital lives. While I usually want to keep the focus of my blog on all things related to technology, I find that there are occasions when I like to talk about other stuff. This will be one of those occasions.
Please donate if you would like to donate to me and help the cause to hopefully find the end of MS. I have put a link at the bottom of this blog post for my donation page. I know firsthand what the effects of MS can be, and I do everything I can to see an end to MS. Please donate; this is a fundamental cause.
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