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How do I tell how much Data I need?

It’s the age-old question. Well, it’s the question people have been asking themselves for as long as cloud storage has been available. How much room is enough for everything you have? Typically I like giving some specific answers which would help out, but in this case, it’s user-dependent. There are as many different systems to file your data as people are doing the filing, so giving you a “one size fits all solution” would be simply incorrect. The best that I can do for you in this circumstance is to point you in some general directions and send you on your way.

1) Depends on the usage – People store different things on their systems. Personally, I store mainly PDF’s and a few various bits of media that I use on my blog. Because of this, I don’t need a crazy amount of space to store everything. I have a friend who saves all of his documents and every picture he takes with his phone on his cloud system so that he would need more. I have another friend who stores his Documents, Movies and photos (and maybe music) on his cloud system. He would need the most.

2) Options are always available – Back when I was younger, you did have the ability to upgrade your storage. This would give you more space to save more data depending on how much you needed. The only problem was that you would have to go to the store, purchase the memory and then physically install it yourself. I knew how to do this, but it was a bit of an exercise for those who didn’t. Now with Cloud tech, all you need to do if you need more space on your cloud account is go to whichever site you’re renting space from, click the “buy more” button, and then enjoy your new space.

3) Trial and Error – One of the things that I did when I got my cloud account was that I guessed how much data I needed. I looked at where my filing system was, and I purchased that much space. As it turns out, I was wrong, and I needed to go up a level, but I was able to, and it was relatively easy. You will try to figure out how much data you need, but eventually, you will have to take the plunge and go there. You may purchase a subscription with WAAAAY too much, and that’s fine because you can scale down just as quickly as you can scale down. Alternatively, you can do what I did, start with a smaller amount and get more as you need it.

There is so much data floating around, and everything is bound to find a place to rest eventually. Trying to find the correct amount of data to get may seem tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. What’s most important to remember is that it is all configurable. This means that if you purchase a certain amount of memory and find it’s too much, you can always scale back. Similarly, if you are buying too little, you can always take it up a notch if you’re not feeling sure about which cloud system to go with (Because there are quite a few out there) I would highly advise checking out my reviews of the “main four” Cloud systems which you can check out here. I’ve certainly made recommendations as to which to go with, but each of the four is equally as good.

How much memory do you think you need?

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