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Embracing the Disconnect

I recently spent some time up at my wife’s family cottage, it was only a couple days, but it got me thinking. What do we need to do, in this modern world of 24-hour news, constant accessibility and an innumerable amount of distractions, do we disconnect? Embracing the disconnect that we need to have between us and our technology because while the technology we use has brought us leaps and bounds, I think that it is how we use the technology that will take us even further. The reason I bring this up is that at the cottage there was no cell signal, no Internet, and no connections. It was just the people I was with on the island (another level of disconnection) and no distractions. I have to admit; it was terrific.


I like the fact that I was genuinely unreachable. It makes me focus on things that I would not usually be able to with all the modern conveniences and distractions that we have at our fingertips. Before we go any further, I completely realize the irony is talking about disconnecting from the world on a blog, but this is where I talk so what are you going to do right?


So here’s my issue, and I’m sure it’s one that many of us share. Between spending both physical and mental time on my job, my kids, my wife and all my social obligations, I’d been feeling more and more like I don’t have much time to relax and let my mind wander. Most of the time when I got home I would have just enough energy to sit on the couch and pray that I wouldn’t fall asleep before 8:00 PM.


I think that the main problem can be (not necessarily IS) that we rely so much on our devices and our technology that we become nearly dependant on them. Like we wouldn’t be able to function at all without them. I know that my blog is all about Organizing Your Digital Life, but the point that I’m trying to make here is that you need to be able to have a life outside of your technology.


So here’s what we need to figure out how to do. I think that to maintain the balance between our digital lives and our actual lives; there is something we should all do. For full disclosure, I’ve been doing this myself for the past few months. What we should all do is try for 20 minutes a day to be device free. Be away from phones, tablets, etc. and be on our own.


Now I know what you’re thinking. “the Tech blogger is telling us to stop using technology.” That’s quite the opposite of what I’m saying. What I’m driving at is that we should use technology, but don’t get to the point that technology uses us. When I was growing up, there was a show called StarTrek the Next Generation, in which a race of beings called “the Borg” which was a race of beings that had become so obsessed with technology and perfection that they had embedded technology in their bodies and had effectively become technological zombies.


To be clear, we’re not there, not even close, but we need to remember that it is essential to recognize our humanity. Look at the people around you and remember that there are other people, people who look different, who act different, who like different things. It’s amazing what you can learn when you go up and chat with someone. We depend on our news from the sources where we get it and form opinions based on that. The critical thing here is to disconnect from that technology and form your own opinions unless of course, you’re reading from a humble tech blogger….then for sure listen to that guy…:).


All teasing aside, I think that it’s essential for you to go out and experience the world. Don’t spend your life in front of the computer or the tablet or phone. Get out and do things. Life is short, and it’s important to get as much of it in as you can. I know that for me, I have a good book that I’m looking forward to reading. I think I’ll take some time and read that.


Do you have anything that would take you away from your computer?

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