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Digital Life Planning

Is everyone ready for the biggest shock of their lives? I like planning things using a digital format. Ok, well, maybe it’s not THAT shocking, but it is good all the same. With so many things going on all the time and with so much that we all have to do on any given day, it’s essential to plan for things and ensure that you get everything you want to do. The most effective way (or the most efficient way) is to do all of your planning digitally. There are SOOOOO many different ways that you can plan your life in the digital realm, and with so many other options out there, there is bound to be one that you will be able to use to your advantage.

1) Todo List nerd – I’m a MASSIVE todo list nerd. I LOVE MY TODO LISTS!!!! This will come as no surprise for my long-time readers, but for the rest of you, if you are looking for some ideas on which programs you can use for todo lists, you can certainly check out some of my other posts on the subject matter. If I get an idea in my head, if I don’t write it down (Particularly if it’s a big idea), then once it leaves my +head, I tend to forget about it. To make sure that I remember (or can come back to) all of my ideas, I write them down in lists of things I want to do. If the ideas are big enough, the items on my lists will need their own plans to do to get everything done.

2) There is a method to my madness – I like having plans to look forward to. It means that I know where I want to go and (most of the time) what I need to do to get there. I have a life plan that has a few different parts. I have my overall goals, which will take me a long time to get to. These are life long goals that I always have in the back of my mind. Next are my yearly goals, which will likely take a year to get done and any supporting tasks that keep me on track throughout the year. Lastly is my day to day todos. I like doing stuff every single day, and I like having a list to go along with it. The daily todo list is just a simple way for me to keep myself on track for any of my yearly or life-long goals but in smaller chunks.

3) The tool I use (Notion) – A program I found a year or two ago that I use daily is called Notion. It’s a highly customizable database building tool that can be used for a variety of different things. You can communicate with your team the various tasks that need to be done, track the progress of all of your goals; heck, you can even write articles or blog posts in it (not unlike what I’m doing right now…). I’ve spoken about Notion before, and I still think it’s a great tool that allows you to manage the things you have to do in your life, be it professional, personal or both.

I like planning all the things that I’m going to do using digital systems. I know it’s possible to do it using hard copy, using paper diaries, the problem for me is that if I were to put down my plans or my lists or any of the random thoughts about my life in one spot, then that is likely where they will stay. Having my goals in a place where I can access them no matter where I make it so that I have a hard time ignoring them. With my plans in the cloud, I can access and play around with them as much as I please. I can access them from my phone, my computer, and my tablet. I like planning my life out so that I know what I’m doing from day today. If you are the same, I would highly advise finding a system that you can use to help you along and achieve your goals.

What do you do to plan your life?

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