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Console Games, Are they done?

OK, so I have to start this post off with a bit of an apology. My original intent with this post (as the title implies) was to discuss how console games have their time, and mobile gaming platforms like PSP or the Nintendo Switch were where it was. I had it in my head that console games didn’t have the best graphics on the market, and the game selection was limited to whatever the console’s company made. This was the basis of my argument (Although I was planning to be a bit better spoken about it), but I came up against a small problem. Well, not a problem per se, but it certainly has changed my argument. For my birthday a month or so ago I bought myself an x-box…

You mean they’ve UPDATED EVERYTHING??????

I have done a complete 180 on console games. I’ve been playing some of the games that I’ve been able to find, and it’s been a fantastic experience.

1) The Graphics are Amazing – Previous to this, when I used to think about console games, my mind would go to things like the original Nintendo and the 8-bit graphics that they had. When the TVs were smaller and weren’t as high def, that was fine. Now that IT’s are typically much bigger and 4K, you need to have better graphics. The x-box that I purchased has undoubtedly risen to the occasion. I’ve been playing some games, and I’ve been able to see so much detail. It goes as far as seeing the different emotions within the characters’ faces, it’s incredible. I’m seriously excited to see what some of the other games have in store.

2) Online store for game purchases – I have lost my enjoyment of browsing in brick and mortar stores. Partially because of COVID-19, I don’t enjoy going to stores that much, but also because I didn’t have a significant amount of patience waiting in line in the first place. In either case, I don’t have to worry about it one way or another because there is an online store where you can browse the shop and find any game you could want. You can purchase and download all the games you could wish to form the convenience of your couch. I like that when you’re looking at the different games, you can check out a preview of the game is going to look like, so you can see what you’re getting before you purchase.

3) Online play with Friends – We talked a little about the multiplayer gameplay when we talked about MMORPG’s, but I feel it’s worth mentioning here. Certainly, some games are single-player or multiplayer on the same unit. There are other games where you can connect and play with other players on other units online. This is particularly helpful for those who can’t gather in large groups in person, but we can play together online for sure. I have a friend who has been bugging me for years to play a game with him which has an online multiplayer mode. I may have to give in now that I can play this game with him.

I’m happy to admit that I’ve been completely turned around on console games. I’m looking forward to seeing what else I can do with this new toy of mine. In short, Console games aren’t done. They’re good and here to stay. I particularly like playing golf on my x-box. I figure I can’t play actual golf. I might as well be able to play it virtually, right? I’m glad I had my opinion turned around on me, It’s so much fun to play, and I could spend hours doing so. I would imagine you’re less glad, as I missed a post a couple of weeks ago. I figure it’s OK; however, It was all in the name of research for this post. At least that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Which console games do you play?

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