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Built-in Keyboards Vs. Bluetooth Keyboards

So I’ve had this running debate with myself for the past few years. I own an iPad, and while I like using it for writing, I also like playing games and watching youtube on it. The problem is that using the keyboard that pops up on the screen is very difficult and hard on my fingers. Naturally, this means that I need an external keyboard of some kind, but there are many different options. The biggest division is whether or not you want to go with a separate Bluetooth keyboard or if you want to go with a keyboard that is built into your case. I have had both, and I can ultimately see the benefits and the downsides of both.

1) Arguments for Built-in – having a keyboard where the case is built into it makes it WAAAY easier to know where your keyboard is at any given time. You know because it’s on your case. And if you always keep your keyboard on your case, then you will be good to go. The other great thing is that with something that is built in there will have to be some physical connection to the iPad. This means that you won’t have to worry (too often) about any wireless connection because a physical connection will work more consistently than a Bluetooth one.

2) Arguments against built-in – THEY….ARE….HEAAAAAAVY!!!!! Because the case is built into the keyboard, they have to have all the keyboard stuff in the case. This makes them heavier than other cases that need to cover the iPad itself. I have had a couple of different cases that I ended up getting rid of because the case with a keyboard built in made it heavier than my laptop. If I’m going to be carrying around something which is that heavy I might as well take my laptop. The other thing is that because I don’t use my keyboard all the time, having the Keyboard built-in is awkward for when I want to use my iPad for things other than typing. There are some games which make you tilt your iPad a certain way which makes it so that the Keyboard is awkwardly to one side or the other.

3) Arguments for separate Bluetooth keyboard – One of the things that I like about using a keyboard is that you don’t have to have it with you all the time. If you use your iPad for anything other than writing (which I occasionally do) having the ability to put your keyboard away is a serious asset. I also have found that the Bluetooth keyboards are less expensive which makes it easier to swap out the keyboard should you need to. Being able to swap out the Keyboard is also another benefit of the Bluetooth Keyboards. If you purchase a keyboard and find you don’t like it, you do not have to replace the keyboard AND the case, you have to get a new keyboard.

4) Arguments against Bluetooth keyboard – one of the things you need to be aware of with Bluetooth keyboards is that because they run on their batteries, there will be times when you will have to recharge the keyboard. While the Bluetooth keyboard has gotten much better at how long their batteries last, you will have to recharge every once and a while. If you don’t, you will find that you may be in the middle of an e-mail and you’re keyboard dies. This can be a minor inconvenience, or a major challenge, depending on how good you are at charging your keyboard.  The other issue with a separate Bluetooth keyboard is that you need to be able to remember to take it with you if you want to work while travelling. Packing it can be a fairly easy solution if you get a case with a small pocket in it. Depending on the size of the keyboard they can be fairly easy to take with you, but you do have to remember to take it with you. I have certainly had situations where I have been in a rush and forgot to bring mine.

The trick with Wireless Vs built-in keyboards is what you are willing to deal with. They certainly have their advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to look through what you want and make a decision. I should also point out that while I’ve been talking about this as how it trailers to iPad’s it also applies to any tablet you may have. Be it an Android or Windows device; all tablets will have the same results. It’s entirely up to you which you will want to go with.

As for me, I have bought myself a nice leather case which can stand up my iPad, and I have bought a wireless Bluetooth keyboard. I like the keyboard that I have because it’s easy to take with me and it’s lite. Also, the case that I bought had a small pocket on one side that the keyboard easily fits into. This is something that works for me. I honestly didn’t do a lot of writing on my iPad, but I’m am writing this post right now on my iPad and wireless keyboard. It’s entirely possible I might change my mind in the future about what I want; I may want to get a case that has a keyboard in it down the road. For now, the wireless keyboard option works well for me. I like that I can put it away when I don’t need it, and it’s easy to get at when I do. I also love that in the few months that I’ve had it I’ve only had to charge the thing twice, which means that I’m able to use it a lot and the battery life is quite good. I may talk about the keyboard I’m using in a future post, but for now, This arrangement is working for me.

What do you think would work for you? Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard or Built-in case?

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