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A review of “On Digital”

I read a book that was given to me over the Christmas holiday called “on Digital” by Mark Barrenechea. I want to note that I was able to read this book in a day and, for those who know me know that that is a big deal for me. Anyways I was able to read it in only one day because A) it was only about 75 pages, but more importantly B) It was a very compelling book. I am not affiliated with Mr. Barrenechea, and won’t be advertising his book on my site; I just thought you might be interested in an excellent book that was given to me.


It talked about different methods to go digital and reasons why. I liked how much Mr. Barrenechea was articulating an argument that I talk about both in my professional and personal life, as well as here in this blog. I found it interesting the way that he was able to articulate his arguments, but there was one argument that he made that I found that stuck with me.


Digital or Die


His thesis was to compare the information revolution that we are in the process of undergoing to when Hernán Cortés sailed to the new world and to motivate his men to work hard and build a new colony; he burned his ships so that they could not return.


The same is very accurate of the information revolution we are going through today. With new systems and methods popping up to help us access our digital data and Organize our Digital Lives it’s crucial that we stay motivated to maintain our digital networks and not rely on old methodology. It’s essential that we look at information, not as something that is nice to have or to know about but in fact as a critical part of our lives. We cannot access our data the way that people used to. Going to the library, borrowing a book and going through it isn’t something that is feasible in a google enabled, 24-hour news all the time world in which we live.


If you’re considering going digital, I would give serious consideration to reading this book, after reading through my blog (naturally). It’s a really interesting read and a quick and insightful glimpse into the reasoning behind going Digital.


What are the ways that you go digital now?

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