Back when I was a kid, I was allowed (on occasion) to go and visit my dad at work. He had a decent sized office with a nice window, and in that window, Dad always kept a bunch of pictures. While some people might have trophies or articles about themselves, Dad had pictures of his wife (my mom…) and my sister and me through various life stages. It was cool to see and fun to think about in retrospect (as I’m in that position of having WAY too many pictures of my kids); however, I don’t do the mass amount of photos that he did. Well, at least not the same way. Something that my wife bought me a while back was a digital frame. At the time, I had reasonably limited desk space, and so it allowed me to utilize my desk space as much as possible. Digital frames have lots of advantages.
- Shows more than one picture – To save desk space, having the digital frame makes it so that I can see multiple different photos in the same frame. For me, this means that not only can the frame hold more than one picture at once (Occasionally they do collages), but it also means that it can scroll through the different pictures that you can keep on the frame. This has the added benefit of making it so that while you’re scrolling through your pictures, every time you look at the frame, there is a new and different picture. I like it because it means that it’s not always the same picture over and over again.
- You can update as needed – The frame itself doesn’t have any pictures on it. The picture files come from a USB stick that you typically can put in the back of the frame. Some even will have slots for SD cards (which are the cards you use in your camera anyway) so that you can put your photos directly from your camera into your frame. At the same time, there are times when my wife will send me pictures of whatever the Kids are up to while I’m at work. The digital frame makes it easy for me to take the pictures from the e-mail and put them on my thumb drive, easily displayed on the frame.
- Back end organization – This bit is more for me than anything else. Something that I like to do whenever my kids make me pictures (which I have in my home office) I will typically put the date on the back so that I know later when they gave it to me. Similarly, whenever I put a new picture on my thumb drive, what I’ll typically do is make the picture’s file name, the date of upload, and some simple description of what’s in the picture. “2018-11-20 – Jamie and Jason Hockey game” would be a perfect example. This is certainly something that you don’t need to do, but It gives you the added benefit of knowing later when and where the picture was taken.
I always liked the fact that there were tons of pictures in my dad’s office, but I don’t like taking up too much space. The digital frame serves both functions for me. Depending on how much space you have, you may not have a lot of space, but I imagine you could have a load of pictures you would like to look at. When you have a digital frame, once you have paid for the frame and the USB drive, there is no additional cost for you. Unlike traditional pictures, you would want to display (each having its frame), a Digital frame makes it so that you don’t have to spend any more money if you’re going to add more pictures to your collection.
How many pictures do you have on your desk?
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