Over this past weekend I up and decided that I should get everything I needed to set up what I’m calling “Configuration 1.0” of my office. Some of the things that I got for it I had to order online and thus took some time to come in, but the rest I was able to go out and pick up at a couple of different stores.
My keyboard, mouse, and hub were the Online purchases. Once I had those in I figured I could drive to the store and pick everything else up. So, last Saturday with a trip to Staples and Best buy I was able to acquire a desk, chair, and monitor. For sure the whole point of having a digital office is to be able to work anywhere. However, as I mentioned last week, Having your own space is important and so I was able to build my desk and chair and put the rest together.
I will admit, I did have some struggles and setbacks. One such example was that the hub that I bought online when I connected it to my computer, wouldn’t connect to the screen. I did everything I could to get the thing to connect. There was a verity of different cord options to go from the hub to the monitor, I tried HDMI and Display port. I went through all the settings but nothing seemed to make the thing connect properly. I had to purchase another adapter to connect the monitor directly to my computer to see if it was the hub, and It did work so the issue was obviously with the hub. As I bought it from Amazon I was in the process of figuring out how to return it (as I had declared it defective) when my wife Sam suggested that perhaps there were some drivers that I had to download……
Ok, in my defense It had been a long day and I was able to build the desk and chair myself without anything going wrong.
After getting the drivers downloaded and installed it was a fairly simple process of plugging everything in together and it worked brilliantly! The next step for me is going to be figuring out my proper desk (which I will be talking about next week). There are a few minor details that I don’t have at the moment, but as I get them I will be reporting back and letting you know about my thoughts on the various different things. Currently, as you can see I have my space to work, my scanner is set up for any physical papers that I may need, my hub is (ahem…now) working perfectly and my monitor is beautiful. My office space has gone from this….
To this.
In either case, I am all set up (for the moment) and over the next few weeks, I will be reviewing some of the components that I have in my office, as well as giving you updates when I make changes. as I mentioned before this is only configuration 1.0 and there are going to be Organizing your Digital Life is important. Making sure that your physical space is as organized as your digital life is equally important.
What does your space look like?
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