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Thank you and Summer Plans

Last week I received a comment on my post, “My answer to notebooks? It’s reMarkable” that has inspired this one. A commenter who identifies as Benedict left an incredible comment and I would like to say thank you. It’s not just to that one specific person. I have noticed over the past month or so that you all are commenting more and more on my posts. I find this kind of feedback extremely helpful to me. It means that I know what is doing well and what to write in the future, but it also makes me feel a strong sense of gratitude.

Gratitude not just because I know that people are reading the blog (which is fantastic) but also because 99% of the comments given have been so incredibly thoughtful like Benedict’s was. It’s the kind of comments like that which drive me to keep going. I’ll be honest, sitting in my office writing. I often wonder if what I’m writing is getting out there. Sure I have google analytics to tell me how many hits on the site there are, but that’s just cold numbers. Hearing, or receiving actual feedback from readers, every time it happens, it absolutely makes my day.

I remember a reader I know personally who We’re going to call “Steve” approached me at a party and told me how much what I’d done had changed how he worked. I thanked him for his incredibly kind words, and I don’t think my feet touched the ground for the rest of the night. I was so grateful that he wanted to take the time to let me know how the blog had helped him out. I want to make sure that you, the reader know how much that means to me. I started this blog a couple of years ago with the thought that I might be able to help some people out or make some aspect of technology and Organizing your Digital Life a bit easier. Knowing that this is working and that people are reading is the most incredible feeling for me.

To that end, I would like to say thank you. Thank you to those of you who have been reading and (hopefully) learning from the beginning. Thank you to those of you who happened to find this blog randomly and liked what I happen to be able to present. Thank you to my subscribers who have allowed me to be in your e-mail stream Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thank you to my followers on Social media who like and share my various posts. Thank you to the people in my life who help me write this blog and inspire different positions that I put out. Thank you to you all.

I don’t for one second want you to think that I don’t see all the likes, shares, comments and forwards that bring people to my site. I see everything, and I’m forever grateful for all of it.

I want to make sure that I am still able to bring you knowledge and information about ways to help you Organize your Digital life. That being said, I have some plans coming up that require a bit more of my attention. Yes, this does include a deck chair on a dock somewhere, but I am also going to start working on a special project which I would like to release later this year. This is going to require some time for me to sort this out, and because of that, I am going to be posting only once a week on Tuesdays, instead of Tuesday’s and Thursdays like I usually do. I want to make sure that I am bringing you the quality product that you have come to expect from me, and part of that is making sure that this project that I’m working on is up to the same standard that you have come to expect from me.

I will be keeping you up to date with my progress sporadically throughout the summer. I’m also going to continue to give you great information that will keep you Organizing your Digital life. For now, enjoy the summer as much as I plan to, and stay tuned for updates.

What are your summer plans?

Let me know in the comments section below. If you like this blog post and want to see more, you can follow me on Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @jasonlovefiles) or Subscribe to my blog to get new content delivered directly to your mailbox.

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