OK, before we start with the post, I want to do something real quick. I want to offer a quick apology for disappearing for a few years. I recognize that I have taken time away from this blog before, and doing so isn’t unusual for me, but typically, I let you all know when I’m leaving and when I’m hoping to return. I didn’t do that this time, and for that, I am sorry. Let’s just say that I needed to scale back everything I was doing, and the blog got scaled back completely. I’m hoping that I will be able to get back to the type and frequency of blogging that I was doing before.
Everyone good? Sweet; ON WITH THE POST!
For those of us who work in an office, it’s important (assuming you have a desk that you go back to every day) to have some personal touches that make it “your own.” One of the things that I like using for this is a digital frame. What makes that different from a regular frame is that the pictures are digital, with more than one picture. I really like Digital frames.
1) Never the same picture at the same time – I have ADHD, and because of that, I get bored with looking at the same picture over and over again. What I like about my Digital frame is that it allows me to have multiple photos and scroll through them throughout the day. Scrolling photos means that (for me) I never have to look at the same picture twice in a row. It keeps me from getting bored with the same image repeatedly. Sometimes, It’s a picture of my wife, my kids, or a vacation I went on a while back.
2) It is super easy to upload/swap out – Depending on what frame you get, it could have one or more methods of putting the pictures in the frame. The one I have has a USB stick you put in the back. I have seen others who take an SD card in the same fashion. The principle is the same. No matter what you need to put your pictures on the frame, it’s likely that you will have to buy it separately, so there is that. The good thing is that no matter how you get the pictures on the frame, it’s super easy to put more on. Occasionally, I’ll add a couple more photos here and there to spice up what’s already on the frame. PRO TIP! If you have your frame in a public space like your workspace and are worried about someone walking up and just taking your USB Stick, keep a file on your computer with all the photos you have on the USB. That way, if someone DOES decide to take it (which, dude, is not cool), the next USB stick is relatively cheap to buy, and you have a backup for your pictures.
3) Most have timers – Several years ago, I was working in my office super late because of a big project I was working on. Even though it was late at night, I still saw the picture in the frame. I realized anyone who walked by my office could see them when I wasn’t there. While I’m not overly paranoid about that kind of thing, and certainly, I don’t have any inappropriate pictures, they were still displayed when I wasn’t there. What I like about the one that I have is an internal clock that allows me to shut the frame down when I go home and turn it back on just before I show up to work the following day. This way, I can always see the pictures I want while working, and I know that when I walk away from my desk at night, no one else can see them.
Now that all (or most of us) are back in the office keeping some touchstones in our home lives is essential. For me, it’s my digital frame. It may sound cheesy, but I like that I can look over and see images of my family and the adventures that we’ve been on. Each image is a memory I can take a little stroll with whenever I see it. I would highly advise getting a digital frame. It’s a minimalist way that you can have a bunch of pictures on your desk without any of the clutter.
What’s on your desk?
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Great topic and welcome back!
Nice to see that you’re alive and well Jason!!