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3 Ways I like Using my Calendar

I like to be a person who is on time for things. I also want to know what I’m going to be doing in my day to day life. This means that I keep my calendar fairly close to me at most times. When I was a kid, my calendar consisted of that book that they used to give out at the begging of the school year. I would do my best to put stuff in that I had to do, or places I had to be, but I also had a sheet folded into it with my class schedule. Having my schedule meant that I knew where I was supposed to be most of the time. In today’s world, calendar’s with the application of a little technology has become a well of information that is easily tapped and used.

E-mail and calendar usually offered together

I love the fact that most e-mail programs can save appointments to a schedule. I also like that most e-mail clients have a calendar feature that allows you to view your meetings. This means that when people send you e-mails inviting you to things, you don’t have far to go to get it into your calendar. Accessibility of your calendar is just an easy way to keep yourself organized. Any way that people can be more organized is something that I like.

You can have multiple calendars in one calendar

I have spoken before about doing your best to maintain a Digital Church and State, but in this case, it’s crucial to make sure that you try and combine the two. Here’s the thing; When I’m looking at my calendar, I can see all the appointments that I have. I also like knowing the difference between my job appointments and my personal appointments. I think it’s essential to be able to see both. What I have done is coloured them differently so that they are easily recognizable. Colour coding makes it so that I don’t confuse a time when I’m supposed to be in a business meeting and a time when I’m supposed to be doing something with my family. 

Separating your ToDos from your Appointments

One of my pet peeves is using a calendar like a todo list. 8:15 do task A, 9:30 do task B, that kind of thing. Some calendar apps will help you separate your appointments from your task list, which is a function that I think is important because you need to be able to isolate where you have to be with what you have to do. I’ll be honest; I used to have my tasks in my calendar; for me, it was an easy way to give any recurring tasks that ability to pop up when I needed to get them done. The issue is that if someone wants to meet with you, and can see your calendar, you look busy or in a meeting when in fact you’re doing a quick task that could take two seconds. Now if that’s what you’re going for, rock and roll, it’s your calendar. If you want to make sure that your calendar is clear, however, move that stuff you got to do to your Todo list.

We all have busy lives. There is usually something or someone that requires our attention. I don’t know about you, but there have been times when I’m at my desk all day long, and other times when I’m scrambling to get from meeting to meeting. I think that it’s essential to have a quick and easy way to manage that information. That’s why I like using my calendar app so much. 

Do you like using your calendar?

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