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3 Ways Apple Watch has Changed my Life

I’ve talked before about the Apple Watch, but as this month is mostly about Apple and the Townhall is around the corner, I figured I’d go ahead and talk about it again. Ever since it first came out, I’ve been interested in the Apple Watch, I’ve been interested in seeing what they were going to do. Truth be told, my interest in smartwatch technology began long before that. I remember as a kid watching Warren Beaty in the Dick Tracy movie talk into his watch to call in the Calvary. I always thought that talking to people through your watch was just the coolest thing on the planet. Luckily the Apple watch can do so much more than that.

1) Access to all apps – It seems natural that an extension to the iPhone would have access to everything within the iPhone. This means apps and functionality. I like the fact that I can check my e-mail or send a text message from my watch. I’ll be honest; I don’t use all the apps that I can from my watch. I don’t, as an example, look at any of my pictures from my watch. It’s not that I can’t because the screen is simply too small for me to see the images correctly. I am mainly a fan of the function where I can accept and make calls from my watch. We’ll forgo the whole “Dick Tracy” similarities (that I mentioned before) and go with how convenient it is if I’m in my car driving along, and I don’t have to fumble for a phone. I also can keep both hands on the wheel and drive ultimately safely (This sentence was in no way intended for both the Police and my mother….#yesitwas). I like how convenient the Apple watch has made going about my day to day life.

2) Tracking my activity – I can’t say enough good things about the activity app on my watch. I love that there are measurable metrics that I can judge both how active I am and how active I need to be. over the past few months, I’ve made it my mission to ensure that all my “rings” are closed by the end of the day. For those of you not on Apple Watch, the three rings are a method to track your various activities throughout the day. The “Move” ring shows how much you just up and move around in your life. The “exercise” ring shows you how many minutes in a day you’re heart rate is above your average. The “Stand” ring ensures that you get up from your desk (assuming you’re a desk jockey like me) for at least a minute or so every hour 12 times a day. You may know precisely how much you move around and are active throughout your day, but for me, not only did the apple watch show my how inactive I was, but it has allowed me to push myself to be more active.

3) Fall detection – I’ll be honest, This is a feature that I hope never to use (or to have to use), but I know that I like having it all the same. A couple of years ago, Apple came out with a feature of their watch called “fall detection,” which does more or less what it says on the tin. If you fell, the Apple watch gives you about 10 -15 seconds to turn off an alert on the watch. If you don’t, 911 is notified. On the one hand, as a relatively healthy guy, I don’t think that I will ever use this particular function, ON the other hand, I do have MS, so having this as a back up if something happens is a comfort for me (and my wife) knowing that if in the off chance that something happens to me (if I fall or whatever) then I will be safe.

I’ve talked before about how I typically don’t go in for first-generation technology, as it’s bound to be full of glitches. The Apple Watch was one of the few exceptions to this rule, and I have not regretted it. It’s been a great addition to the devices that I have in my life, and it has made me want to move around a bit more. I know that there are several smartwatches out there, but for a Mac-head like me, It was good to see that mac was able to get in the game.

Have you had a good experience with Apple?

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1 Comment

  1. Suresh Kannan

    Awesome Jason. I am in the middle of buying the smart watch and this article is a definite help.

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