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3 Things to Look for in an E-mail Client

E-mail. – It’s a standard method of communication in today’s world. Agreed, It’s not the ONLY method of contact (I for one do my share of texting), but it’s a big one. There is a multitude of e-mail providers and e-mail clients (or the apps you use to access your e-mail), so I’m not going to go through that. I have spoken previously on the e-mail client that I use called Spark (Hyperlink), and you can check that post out if you’d like. No, I think today we’re going to go through what you should be looking for in an e-mail client which will make accessing your e-mail easier. When I was looking for a new one (because the one I used was discontinued), I found that there were a few different things that I discovered that I needed and have been using a lot.

Get an app that you can access across all platforms

This is, in my opinion, the most critical aspect of looking for an e-mail client. Imagine If you have one e-mail client on your phone, and a different one on your computer, and yet another on your tablet. There will eventually be quite a bit of confusion between the programs. I have dealt with this before. I once had this exact situation, and each time, I would always wish that my computer e-mail program had the same features as the app my phone had. It’s not just features but also the look and feel of the program. Different programs look and act differently, and if you have to adjust to the differences every single time, it can be aggravating. It’s essential, therefore, to have the same program across all three of your devices.

Look for features that you will like

There are lots of different ways that you can use and organize your e-mail, so find an app that has the features that you think you need. I like the “Snooze” function for some of the e-mail that I receive because it means that I can keep it out of my inbox until I need it. I also like how Spark will separate different e-mail types for me. This way, the junk mail that I get doesn’t get mixed in with my bills or correspondence that I get from my family. Using an app that you don’t use most or all of the features for is a waste because it means that you’re not using the app to its full potential. If you find that you’re using an e-mail client that you’re not using the features for then, I would recommend taking a trip through your app store and seeing what else is available.

Try to find an app that looks cool

I know, I know, looks aren’t everything. Except when you’re dealing with a program that you want to use, they can be a serious factor. Look and Feel of an application can make or break it. If it’s complicated and challenging to navigate, it’s not worth your time. You have ( I would assume) lots of stuff to do in your day, and you should be getting on doing them, not spending your time figuring out how to work a difficult program. Something else that I like (just while we’re talking about looks here) is if a program has a “Dark Mode.” I’ve talked before about how much I love Dark Mode (Hyperlink), and I’ve certainly used it on some of my apps to give them a look that is more appealing to me.

Using e-mail has become a standard method of communication not only between your contacts but your vendors and professional contacts as well. I get all my monthly bills through e-mail, as well as a good number of receipts, so I must have an e-mail client that I like. It’s also just convenient having the same client no matter what device you’re on, so finding one that works on all devices can be a critical step. Luckily the app developers have realized this as well, and you can (generally) find apps that will work the same on all of your devices. Because you can find Apps that cover all your tools, it’s now down to the look and feel of the app. Most vendor’s you’ll deal with are switching use e-mail as a preferred method of communication, so you need to find an e-mail client that you are comfortable with.

Which client do you prefer?

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